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Helen's Mulberry Lane Farm Journal

May 19th, 2019

The Day After Mother's Day, 2019

Did you have a sad Mother's Day?

I know some of you dear women went to bed last night and thought, ''I made it through another difficult Mother's Day and cried myself to sleep.'' There are so many empty arms on Mother's Day. Each year it is a painful reminder of what has been lost.

Maybe some of you lost your own dear mother this past year and you had no one to call and say ''Happy Mother's Day.'' Did you pray and plead with God for children, but none ever came? No one to call you ''mamma'' and bring you wilted dandelion bouquets? Some of you have been blessed with children, but you may not have seen them for decades. No phone calls, no cards, no hugs; just empty time and space. Some of you have conceived babies, but they left too soon, before you could hear their first cry. Maybe you lost a child due to illness or car accident; young lives snatched away too soon. Some of you have had mothers abandon you during your formative years, and you cannot find her to even send her a Mother's Day card. Some of you were given up for adoption. You feel pain and wonder why she did that and where she is and wish you could hug her and thank her for the life she gave you. Maybe you are one that has tried to reach out to your own mother and she has rejected you, for whatever reasons.

I don't know what your pain and hurt is on Mother's Day. But I do know that many struggle through it every year,and breathe a sigh of relief come Monday morning.

I weep with you.

My word of encouragement to you this day, is that you find someone who is lonely, burdened, sick, weary, or broken hearted and give all of that love that is in your own heart and share it with them.

Maybe there is a young single mother who wonders how to make it through another day and you could bring her a meal, or help her clean her house. Is there an elderly person in your church who needs a kind word, a visit, or a fresh baked muffin? Do you know a woman with a big family who just had a new baby and could use a nice hot meal, or someone to play with her littles while she makes dinner?

Give all that love to those that want it and need it. There are hurting people all around you. If emotionally you don't feel like you can reach out because your heart is breaking, I would say, ''Just start with something small. You will find your heart follows.'' Give someone some love and caring, and I assure you, it will come back to you in more ways that you will ever know. ''Give and it shall be given to you."

There are only two ways to live your life. One as if all that matters is to have someone love and accept you. The other is as though loving and accepting another person is all that matters.

(Photo: Me and my paternal Grandmother, Lucie Filliol, taken in 1976. I am reading her Bible to her. She did not understand English and I could not speak French, but the language of love touched both of our hearts.)

A mother's heart is a bleeding heart, at some time or another.
(Photo by Helen, May 2019)

My dear adopted mother, Eldora, bought me a bleeding heart plant (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) many years ago when my own mother heart was broken and bleeding. It blooms every spring by my back door. It reminds me of her sweet caring and love as she prayed with me, cried with me and comforted me during a very difficult time in my life.

A Time Saving Idea

Writing thank you cards for a major event like a wedding or graduation can be a difficult task, especially if you don't have many of the addresses that you need. Here is a tip to help with that.

At the card or gift table, put a stack of envelopes and a pretty pen and ask folks to please address their thank you card. Put up a little sign up to explain what they are to do. Have a basket handy to put the already addressed envelopes into.



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