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Helen's Mulberry Lane Farm Journal

Fall Update

This fall has been especially busy as we finished building our new shipping room and then moved in. What an exciting day it was to move all my order fulfillment supplies out of our crowded house into our new building!

The new shipping room has been the biggest project we have ever done and we are very glad to have it behind us. We are all exhausted from the long days and the physical strain.

Now that the business has moved out of my house, we are able to have employees come in on a daily basis. We are excited to add Donna and Roberta as part of our staff. They will pack the daily orders and get them ready for the afternoon mail pick up. Having this help has provided a little more sanity to my life, and is allowing me to work on other aspects of the business, and hopefully have more time to do some writing, something I really enjoy.

New shipping room; view from the north wall.

View from the south wall.

View into the mail room (separate room from shipping room)
where we put the completed orders and where the USPS picks them up.

'Beka is in the middle of much preparation as she plans her upcoming wedding. She printed all of her own invitations and has been busy trying various desserts to make for the reception. Tim and Caleb are glad to be her taste testers!

MLF Popcorn on the Cob!

We grew our own popcorn this year for the first time and we are now selling it. It is a unique item as we are leaving the popcorn seeds on the cob. You can take the cobs and use them as a fall/Thanksgiving decoration and then on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day, simply remove the seeds and pop them. A neat family experience! (We think the hot air popper pops them the best.)

Popcorn on the Cob

No More White Rice

I detest brown rice. I know it is so much better for you than than white rice, but I just can't eat it. I finally found a healthy inexpensive substitute for white rice that tastes so good! My daughter-in-law Esther was experimenting with various types of high fiber foods and mentioned that hulled barley was really quite delicious.

So, I looked up how to cook hulled barley and tried it for lunch one day. It was so good! So filling and so good for you! And my husband will even eat it!

It does take awhile to cook it. I plan on about 40 minutes but this can be speeded up by soaking the barley the night before. 1 cup of barley to 3 cups of water and a sprinkle of salt is how to cook it. It does tend to turn out a bit mushy sometimes, so I simply put it in a skillet and sort of "fry" it for a few minutes till all the grains are separate. I don't use oil on the pan. Cooked barley also works great for a hot cereal for breakfast or anytime really. I also like it cold on salads. Cooked barley also keeps well in the fridge and is very easy to reheat. I simply do the skillet method again for a few minutes.

One of the motivating factors regarding adding barley to our meals was that simple fact that Gerald needs high fiber meals on a constant, yes, daily basis. Did you know that the average person doesn't get nearly the fiber they need? Total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food, not supplements. Currently, dietary fiber intakes among adults in the United States average about 15 grams a day. That's about half the recommended amount! High fiber foods fill you up with low calorie and high nutrient foods. If you suffer from constipation, simply up your fiber to 30 grams per day, and that problem is solved. No medicine required. Just good healthy food!

You can purchase our USDA Certified Organic Non-GMO Hulled Barley right on our website. It comes in various sizes and we offer free shipping on all our products. Your purchase helps support this journal as well as our small organic family farm. We thank you!

Give Hulled Barley a try today!


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