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Helen's Mulberry Lane Farm Journal

Rachel's Wedding: Dress Rehearsal Day

As family members of both the bride and groom gathered for the dress rehearsal at the church, it was a wonderful time for hugs and happy reunions. (The pastor who performed the wedding did not allow photos during the service. I think this makes the service less Hollywoodish and preserves the holiness and seriousness of the wedding. So the photos you see below were taken during the dress rehearsal.)

Our son Caleb with our grandson J. They are just about one year apart in age.

Our granddaughter K. gets to meet her cousin, G. (Matt & Esther's baby), for the first time.

Gerald enjoying some time with his grandchildren that live out of state.

New friends were made; our grandson, S., enjoying getting to know
the groom's younger brother, M.

The groom's family practicing entering the church with Joey walking his mother in.

I cried every single time Gerald and Rachel practiced walking down the aisle.

Joey and Rachel practicing their vows.

And of course, the traditional unity candle still carries alot of meaning for me. Joey's mom, Sonya, has been a very dear friend of mine for over for almost twenty-five years. I held her son, the groom, in my arms when he was but a few hours old! So you can imagine how emotional it was for Sonya and I to light the candles that represented the births of our children. And now our children were being united in marriage.

Too emotional and joyful for words.

To be continued; Dress Rehearsal Dinner coming up next!

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